

Social &Technical

We can sense that Garments Export Business for Bangladeshi manufacturer is becoming more and more challenging ahead. Our strategy is to meet customer demand through maintaining product quality, on-time delivery, and strong professionalism. Code of Conduct is the K.A. Design Wear’s policy for appropriate business behavior commitment to its employees, business partners, and other stakeholders. We are fully aware of our Code of Conduct that includes business principles, environmental principles and human rights and workplace practices. We are taking all steps to ensure that our factories are:

Successful global businesses have the power to make a real difference. Economic performance and social responsibility go hand in hand when there is a genuine consideration of our impact on the communities and the environment in which we live and work. K.A. Design Wear Ltd. as a truly global company fosters good relations with customers, communities in which we operate, nation, and bears the responsibility for the impact our activities have on the environment and society.